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The months of the year in English are always capitalized as these are proper nouns, for example, January, February...

Months in English:

  1. January 

  2. February

  3. March

  4. April 

  5. May 

  6. June 

  7. July 

  8. August 

  9. September 

  10. October 

  11. November 

  12. December 

Listen & repeat the months with pronunciation. Turn on subtitles for your language!

Abbreviations of the names of the months:

  1. January - Jan.

  2. February - Feb.

  3. March - Mar.

  4. April - Apr.

  5. May - May

  6. June - June

  7. July - July

  8. August - Aug.

  9. September - Sept.

  10. October - Oct.

  11. November - Nov.

  12. December - Dec.

Useful phrases:

February is the shortest month of the year.

They spent two months touring round Mexico.

July is the seventh month of the year.

I'm flying to the USA in August.

I was born in September.

My birthday is on July 6th.





Months in English
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